User Manuals
Hello, welcome to The Magnum Group. We are one of India's leading providers of CAD drafting services. One of our services is designing user manuals.
Sample page from a user manual we designed:(Right-click the above image and select 'Save As' or 'Save Link As' to download the 3-page manual in pdf format)
About User Manuals
Practically every commercially available product comes with a user manual, instruction sheet or directions for use. These are either in a booklet, on a folded sheet or on the product label.
Responsible manufacturers design their user manuals with great care. The language should be flawless, the graphics aesthetically pleasing and the layout very readable.
The Magnum Group designs outstanding user manuals with all the above features. In this connection, we perform any of the following:
Draw black and white angular drawings of the object based on photographs
Compose instructions based on conversations with you
Lay out the drawings and instructions in user manual style (see sample on this page)
Generate a table of contents and an index
Design the manual's cover page.
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"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl S Buck