CAD for Mechanical Engineering

The importance of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in engineering design cannot be emphasized enough. When it comes to designs used in mechanical engineering, the applications of CAD are even greater. For the uninitiated, CAD is a software package that enables users to engage computers in the creation and optimization of engineering designs. Not only does it help in increasing the productivity of the designer, it also lends a superior quality to the design, and translates to improved communication through documentation. This can prove to be a crucial benefit for mechanical engineers, by enabling them to create preliminary designs and detailed models of their projects, complete with key information of functionality, dimensions and materials, thus saving on time and resources.


CAD proves useful in designing both 2D and 3D spaces, curves and surfaces. It can also be used in computer animations that often support special effects we see on the television in advertisements and other media. However, CAD is not just about design but about critical analysis as well. While the design aspect of it helps engineers produce complex models, it is the analysis that provides important insights into the design such as the influences of forces, stress levels and finite elements on it. The fact that CAD helps them detect and correct manufacturing errors effectively adds to its appeal. The output from the software is generally electronic in nature, with files that can be printed or used in other manufacturing applications.

CAD finds uses in several industries such as automobiles, aerospace, marine engineering and industrial design, to name a few. It is a solution that is central to most manufacturing and engineering processes today, making some of the most crucial industrial projects all over the globe come true. Above all, it brings the often drab world of mechanics, engineering and manufacturing to life.

Here is a thoughtful collection of guidelines for mechanical CAD from the reputed



Get mechanical engineering CAD services from us at up to 40% less than what you would pay in the Western hemisphere. All you have to do is ask for them here!

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