
Tablets Bring More Traffic than Smartphones

Yes, the numbers are in. On average, tablets are bringing in more traffic than smartphones.


The Adobe Digital index, compiled from more than 100 bil­lion vis­its to more than 1,000 web­sites worldwide, shows that global tablet traffic surpassed global smartphone traffic by 1% in February 2013. This is the first time in the history of mankind that tablet traffic is ahead.

The reason for this is not too difficult to imagine. Users are presented more detail and more discernable detail on a tablet screen than a smartphone screen.



Breakdown by Country


Tablet traffic, does not, however, lead everywhere. As can be seen from the figure, tablet traffic dominates in the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany, while smartphone traffic rules in Australia, China and Japan.

This makes one wonder if there are two traffic blocks (Block A: North America and Europe; Block B: Elsewhere). This could be because the population of smartphones dwarfs that of tablets in the second block.

So what does this mean for you? A separate website for tablets? Noooo!!

First of all, this concept of separate websites for mobile devices went out the window in 2012. The current best practice is to have a single website that changes its layout depending on the device (i.e., screen size) it is being viewed on. This is called a responsive website.

TMG is an expert in creating responsive websites from scratch or upgrading regular websites to responsive websites. To learn more about this service, go to this page on our website.

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