The Need for Fast Machines for CAD Services
Imagine if you owned a Ferrari and one day someone said, “Why are you driving such a slow car?”
Well, something similar happened to us yesterday. It wasn’t a Ferrari, it was a Pentium 4 PC (3Ghz + 2GB RAM) that we had bought new a year and a half ago, and which we thought was pretty fast for the task.
Our best customer, who was French and had been working with us in Chennai for 10 months told us just before leaving, “That machine needs to be upgraded, it’s too slow.”
We were perplexed, because the configuration we bought is what had been recommended by the customer’s customer… anyway, that really didn’t matter, because indeed, the machine behaved slowly when it was performing its 3D engineering design task using Bentley MicroStation and its PlantSpace plugin. (The task was esigning HVAC for a monster cruise liner.)
So now we’re out to beef up the performance of our CAD services by pulling in a Core 2 Quad processor and a couple of Gigs of RAM. If this doesn’t solve the problem, we don’t know WHAT will!
Have a great day,