Simplicity in Web Design is What Works!

The results are out: if you want a web page to be effective, don’t confuse the visitor with columns to the left and right; also, even if you have only a single column on your page, don’t pepper it with links, put only the ones that are essential for that page.

If you think a web page should be “pretty looking” with plenty of graphics and “comprehensive” with a gazillion links, then you’re making a fatal error.

If you want to listen to some absolutely fantastic experimental results on this from a renowned authority on the subject, catch this audio file from The host is famous web author Nick Usborne, who works closely with the founder of, Dr. Flint McGlaughlin.

Needless to say, when we design a web site, we will push hard for uncluttered design. And we are not the only ones thinking this way. Most of Google’s new sites follow these guidelines. Look at Google Groups Beta for an example!

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