Project Management Online: Our New Kickass Feature for Customers
TMG now has an exciting new feature that will dramatically enhances the quality of our customers’ interaction with us. We have incorporated an online project management portal.
Customers can go to this portal and view the state of each one of their projects. They can also see all earlier versions of the project, leave messages for the various people working on the project, as well as upload files and tag the files with keywords of their choice (click on the graphic at to see a larger version).
Not many companies in the design and drafting industry offer this facility. We are proud and happy that we have taken a significant step forward in the direction of making our website more customer-friendly and interactive. Paragraph
If you would like to experience this be online project management portal for yourself, just send us a message from our website, from Facebook ( or from Twitter ( with your e-mail address and we will mail you back a trial user name and password.
To increasing the convenience of our customers,
Is there a way to see a demo for your PM tool?
We’ve emailed you information on the demo. Thanks for your interest — Lucky