Android Tablets Not Selling as Well as Claimed
A report by Strategy Analytics claimed that “Android captured 27 percent of global tablet shipments” in the third quarter. This statement, while sensational, was misleading.
A report by Strategy Analytics claimed that “Android captured 27 percent of global tablet shipments” in the third quarter. This statement, while sensational, was misleading.
The new OS packs a handful of new features and functionality that could be valuable to businesspeople and the IT administrators who support them.
If there’s one thing that gets under the skin of Android fans more than anything, it’s Apple receiving glowing praise for something Android already does, or could easily do if anybody just put their mind to it. Not to be out-shined by the Siri voic…
Android head Andy Rubin said six million tablets are running Google’s OS, making the case that Android is gaining a small foothold in an iPad-dominated market. “It’s not 30 million, but it’s a healthy start,” said Rubin, Google’s vice president of mobi…
At 10pm last night, Google and Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Nexus, the first smartphone to run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). We’ve been hearing about the new operating system since it was announced at Google’s I/O conference some months ago as t…