Big Data Success Story: At SXSW (South by Southwest Music Festival)

Big Data Success Story: At SXSW (South by Southwest Music Festival)

As music festivals go, this one is a juggernaut. Crowds roll onto the entry gates in towering waves, presenting ticket booths with a challenging task. At the most recent instance, ticketing began to take too long. People in the queues became first restless, then frustrated, then angry. Fortunately, big data analytics prevented a disaster. Here’s…

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review: Kevin Spacey Attempts A Resurrection

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review: Kevin Spacey Attempts A Resurrection

This from “Players are outfitted with exoskeletons that allow them to do superhuman things, like leap 20 feet in the air, rip a car door off its hinges and use it as a shield, or slow down time. “ From the technology point of view, Kevin appears filmed as a real actor, when in…