Outsourcing to India and Obama’s Visit

President Obama landed in Mumbai a few hours ago. His visit here will be the longest he has ever made to another country, and he is being treated as an honored guest in the true Indian tradition.

I expected all interactions between him and his Indian counterparts to consist of the exchange of pleasantries and platitudes, including mild references to outsourcing. But there have been a few exceptions:

  1. There was mention of how all Indian companies will be removed from the restricted list regarding US nuclear technology exports;
  2. President Obama announced that India has ordered $10 billion of equipment from the US and in the process created 50,000 US jobs (would he dare say that in the US?… )

Again, since President Obama is a guest, it is unlikely that anyone will jab him with questions about the visa fee hike and Governor Strickland’s outsourcing ban. The emphasis will be on ensuring he has a pleasant, memorable stay. The outcome will be the warm, fuzzy feeling two friends have when they meet after a long time.

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One Comment

  1. Outsourcing to India offers not simply gains to a company but to customers likewise. It provides access to many of the greatest talent and knowledge to the field at cost-effective charges.

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