
Mobile Marketing: Give App Gifts from the App Store


Are you revisiting that state of mind where you are confused trying to decide what to give someone for Christmas? Here’s an idea to help you move on to your next state of mind. Gift an app from the Apple App Store.

Yes, Apple has reintroduced functionality into the iOS for buying the app of your choice and sending it to your chosen iPhone-owning friends.

It includes the facility for emailing the app to the recipient up to 90 days in the future after you buy the app. On and yes, did I say “recipient”? The gifting application enables you to also send the chosen app to multiple recipients!

Since people prize their iPhones and carry them all the time, the instrument is almost like a body part. Giving them an app customized to their preferences is therefore like giving their body extra abilities.

Gift your love ones iPhone apps and bestow them supernatural powers!  Smile

To your mobile-enriched gifting,

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