CAD Services: Intel Uses BIM in a Big Way, But…

I just read an interesting news report on how Intel has used BIM (building information modeling) for laying out the machinery in its new plant in Oregon (

BIM represents a game-changing advance in technology, albeit one that has been slow to catch on. It is refreshing to see a world technology leader adopting it. Hopefully many will follow.

According to the above report, Jason Hosch, senior industrial engineer at Intel, said,  “and you can’t buy software for BIM.”  I think he should have phrased this more appropriately, since purpose-built software is very much a part of the BIM picture (talk Revit, ArchiCAD, for instance).

I would have said, “BIM software is not all there is to BIM.”

UPDATE: Jason Hosch read this post and clarified that he had been misquoted. He has written to SPAR and had them correct the quote. The quote now reads:“BIM is more than 3D CAD. BIM is a business process,”  Hosch said by way of closing. “You can’t go out and buy BIM. You have to determine what your business process is and go out and find software that fits your business process.”This is certainly a more reasonable statement. That said, my personal view is that BIM is a technology rather than a process, and that it can be used to achieve substantial savings in time and rework during construction.


By the way, if you would like your BIM work done at Asian rates, send the work to TMG. To know more about our BIM activities, go to:



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