Mobile Marketing Tip: Engage Users with a Worthy Cause
Today’s users and web visitors have almost universally developed an allergy to any attempt by companies to be friendly, just as individuals often lose faith in love after being led up the garden path by a string of boyfriends or girlfriends.
It therefore often helps a marketer to prove his good intentions by encouraging prospects to join him in promoting a worthy cause. There is a fine example of this in Heinz’s PlantBottle ® campaign.
For starters, and to put its money where its mouth is,
Heinz makes all 20-ounce Heinz Ketchup bottles in restaurants with up to 30 percent renewable, recyclable material derived from sugar cane.
Heinz will help plant a tree every time a user pledges to be more green (see below).
Heinz then seeks to engage users with a related theme: to pledge to be more green. The pledge is made on an online form, which is launched when users follow a QR code on the ketchup bottle (see pictures above and at left).
There are also options for users to post their pledges on Twitter and Facebook, effectively saying that they are proud of being associated with Heinz’s cause (which translates into Heinz itself).
The net result is that Heinz increases its bonding with users and has those users broadcast social proof of its genuineness. The latter boosts its reputation and the probability of new users joining.
The technology behind this is really quite simple: merely print the QR code on labels and put the signup form on your website.
The catch is that the QR code must be visible to a large number of people. But this should not pose a problem if you have a widely distributed product or advertisement
Interested in setting up a similar campaign? Message us here and we’ll get started on it!
To your mobile marketing success,