Drafting Services: Going Off-Site for a Wildly Swinging Work Volume

TMG-outsource Drafting services are subject to fluctuations in work inflow just like everyone else. The work inflow also fluctuates wildly, a situation that only some producers are subject to. TMG has its own way of dealing with this situation.

For starters, we maintain a constant slack in our in-house workforce to absorb moderate increases in client assignments. Whenever this slack is completely utilized, we resort to overtime. If we find that over time occurs too often, we decided that it’s time to augment our workforce.

We can augment our workforce in two ways: either add people in-house or set up off site contractors.

Adding people in-house entails advertising, interviewing and training. Adding off-site contractors involves the same steps, only we usually ask for external drafting services with specific experience, thus obviating the time and expense of training.

The off-site drafting services whom we identify as contractors are of course firms who have the necessary skill but are unable to project themselves into the international market. But India has a large number of such firms and finding them is only a matter of time.

The fact is that computer penetration in India is constantly increasing, and it is getting the point where having an office with in house staff is becoming less and less required. Reliable online contractors are becoming less of an option and more of a necessity for all drafting services active in the international marketplace.

This is just one of the several state-of-the-art methods that TMG employs to ensure a rapid, timely response to its valuable clients. Why not become a client?

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