Designer Cell Phones: How Tiffany & Co Might Design Theirs
LG Electronics has worked closely with renowned luxury goods manufacturer Prada to announce the LG-PRADA cell phone on January 18, 2007. A photograph of it is shown at left.
So our engineering minds got to thinking: what if high-fashion cell phones became a trend?
Our first impulse was to imagine what cell phones made by Tiffany & Co would look like.
Yup, you guessed it, it’s on the right!
(We haven’t put “Tiffany & Co” inside the cell phone screen because (and this may come as a surprise to you) we are just not up to having a friendly chat with their attorneys…
We have more designer cell phones in the works… come back in a few days and you’ll see the next one!
Technorati Tags: tiffany, prada, LG, cell+phones, designer+phones, engineering+design, product+design, new+products