
CAD Services: How We Create 3D Models for 3D Printers


3D printers have picked up momentum and it will be no wonder if you soon find a 3D print shop in your locality.

We have already written several blog posts regarding 3D printers and are now going to explain how we prepare a model for 3D printing.

The Steps

1. Create the 3D model using a suitable CAD platform. Widely used platforms are:

  • AutoCAD
  • Blender
  • Sketchup
  • 3Dstudio max
  • Maya

Note: This is not an exhaustive list.

2. Export the file in a 3D printer compatible format.

Most of the 3D printers available in the market accept a variety of 3D file formats for printing. There are a few formats common to all printers. They are STL, OBJ and IGES.

All popular 3D modeling platforms create output in at least one of the above file formats. That said, for some printers the above formats may need to be transformed to machine-specific code using Gcode generators.


Checklist Prior to Exporting to 3D Printing Format

Issue Remedy
Missing polygons Rectify the issue
Reversed vertex normals Flip them to normal position
Unconnected edges Weld them properly
Overlapping elements Combine or subtract them properly



There is a tool called Netfabb in which we view STL files and repair them if any issues emerge. There is a basic version that can be downloaded free of cost.

Please note that the free version has some limitations. It will identify only basic issues. The paid version versions are for advanced usage.


General Tips for 3D-Printer-Friendly 3D Models

  • Keep the polygon count minimal
  • Triangulate models before exporting the model to STL or OBJ formats as Gcode generators will need triangulated polygons to create Gcode for printing
  • Make sure the object has a flat base and the base is exactly positioned on the “0” level of the “Z” axis
  • A fully solid model will increase printing cost and therefore a 3D model intended for 3D printing should be hollow without internal surfaces that are not visible.. For example, if the object is a cylinder, do not create a full solid model, create a cylinder with minimal wall thickness instead
  • Use the Boolean UNION operation to combine multiple objects to remove internal surfaces that are not visible.


Outsourcing the Creation of 3D Printer-Friendly 3D Models:

TMG has lot of experience creating 3D models for 3D printing. Just send us your sketches or concept drawings and you will get a 3D model ready for printing. Click here to do that.

We look forward to hearing from you!




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