
CAD Services: Evaluating Your Responses

In our last post, we described your first move at evaluating prospective CAD services: sending them a message.

Now we’ll describe the second move: evaluating the responses.

Here are the questions you need to ask about the responses along with how you should mark your answers:

  1. Did the message arrive within one business day? Yes: 10; No: 0
  2. Did the CAD service answer your questions pertinently? (sometimes their comprehension of English can be very poor). Rate on a scale of 1 to 10
  3. Are they using your CAD platform? Yes: 10; No: 0
  4. Do they have experience in your particular specialization? Yes: 10; No: 0
  5. If yes, did they describe in some detail what they have done? Rate on a scale of 1 to 10
  6. Did they express clear interest in working for you? Rate on a scale of 1 to 10
  7. Did they tell you what to do next? Yes: 10; No: 0

Now add up all the marks you just gave, divide by 70 and multiply by 100. In other words, express your above evaluation as a percentage. Let’s call this percentage “the grade”.

Arrange the grades in a highest-to-lowest order. The highest five scorers comprise your shortlist of prospective CAD services.

The next step is for you to dig deeper into the capabilities of each of them so that you can end up with a final list of three services.

Stay tuned for the next part in this training!

Enjoy your day,

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