CAD Bureau Services are More Important Than Ever

Is there anyone on the face of the planet who is not interested in saving every cent at a time like this? I guess there are, but their name can’t be legion…

In these hard times,
everyone is looking for untapped ways of saving on cost. If you are connected with engineering or architecture, are you using CAD bureau services? If not, that’s a huge chunk of change that you’re giving away for no real reason.

If you think there’s some inherent flaw in using CAD bureau services, ask yourself why every engineering firm, architectural firm and their dogs are. They are because there’s a good reason: huge savings in cost.

CAD Bureau Services Save You Money

When you outsource to them you save money on a huge list of things. Here are the most important of them:

  • commercial floorspace for your own drafters
  • climate control equipment
  • lighting systems
  • security equipment
  • telephones
  • office furniture, cubicles
  • car parking area
  • eating area
  • bathrooms
  • computers (high-speed with extended memory)
  • software (AutoCAD, CATIA, SolidWorks, Pro-E, MicroStation, etc)
  • cafeteria financial assistance
  • stationery
  • phone bills (as opposed to phone equipment)
  • electricity charges
  • janitorial expenses,
  • administrative overhead
  • vacation salary
  • disability insurance
  • health insurance
  • retirement plan expenses

In addition to all these, you only pay for CAD bureau services when you use them; if you had your own drafters, you’d pay them whether there’s work or not.

Compound that
by the fact that one of our drafters costs you $12 an hour, compared to $20 – $35 in the Western hemisphere.

Again, if you’re not using CAD bureau services, ponder over this blog post. You could save thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of dollars, if you start using them.

All you have to do is to take action, which is usually the hardest part.. but I can tell from much experience that once you take the plunge, swimming with CAD bureau services is easy!

To optimizing your CAD drafting expenses,

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