A Measure of Excellence in CAD Services
Different companies have different definitions for the word “excellence”. Some define it as zero or very few errors in a person’s output. Some define it as a high average score in the evaluations performed by superiors. Some might hold written tests and grade them, just like a college exam.
It is our belief that the best judge for performance is the customer. The Magnum Group’s clear objective is to obtain the highest levels of customer satisfaction. We might feel we have a very good idea of whether our customers are satisfied or not, but let’s ask a frank question: who knows better about whether a customer is satisfied,we or the customer?
The customer, of course! Which is why, at the Magnum Group, we know that we are doing well only when the customer says so. As a matter of fact, we celebrate every time we get praise from a customer. The concerned team members are paid a bonus, and I personally write my congratulations down and have them put up on the notice board for all to see.
Because we do not have such an intense positive reaction towards any other event in the course of the Company’s business, it is very clear to all team members that customer satisfaction is our highest goal. Our present thinking is that this system is working, because as you can see from our homepage, words of appreciation from our customers continue to flow in!
Have a nice day,