
SEO: Press Releases Don’t Count Anymore?

press-releases-not-effectiveA recent post on authority SEO website Search Engine Land announced some surprising news: Google no longer ranks websites higher because links in press releases point to it.

Some astute comments on the above page point out, however, that although the links in the press release websites themselves transmit no “link juice” at all to the target website, if the press release is picked up by a high-authority news website and posted there, then those links will send copious juice to the target website.

So how do you engineer your press release to be picked up by high-authority news websites?

Simple: You make sure that your press releases are newsworthy!

To do this, read your press release with the eyes of a news-hungry journalist… is the news in the release something your editor would commend you on finding?

The net result of Google’s above policy is the improvement in the content posted on press release websites… at no cost to them (if they allow free posting).

And let us again remember, with our heads bowed in reverence, that any change in Google’s SEO policy causes significant changes to websites with one degree of separation (press release websites in this case)!

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