How to Minimize Your Risk When Using CAD Services

minimize CAD services risksYou’ve done your due diligence and homed in on a particular CAD services provider. You have told them what you want done, and they have quickly sent you a quote for $1200. They are asking for a deposit of 50%.

$600 isn’t chump change. You are shuddering at the thought of how you would feel if the money vanished without the drawings appearing.

So how do you minimize the risk of this happening?

Very simple.
It’s the entire assignment consists of a set of, say, 14 drawings, you ask them to produce only one of them and quote you for only that one instead of the whole set!

In that case your deposit will be only 50% of the price of one drawing, which will be much less, maybe around $50.

Don’t be afraid that this will scare them away; smart CAD services are keen, like any other business, to acquire new customers and will be happy to oblige you.

And, of course, if you are happy with the one drawing, you can ask them to create another installment of drawings. The size of the second installment can be fixed depending on how much trust you have developed in the provider during the course of the first assignment.

If the small first assignment, on the other hand, resulted in a nasty experience, then your loss is minimal. Also remember that in exchange for the money you lost, you gained in experience. Specifically, you now know the signs of a bad CAD services provider.

Using the above method,
outsourcing your drafting to a CAD services provider need no longer be a perilous experience!

Enjoy your design life,

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