One of the Things Customers Want to See in a CAD Service

There’s this thing that customers expect to see in a CAD service. It’s very obvious, but it’s surprising how many CAD services do not provide it. It’s something very simple: a 24-hour response to email messages.

I can understand why they feel that way
. I personally am a member of several paid websites which have customer support departments. When I submit a support ticket to one of the busiest sites, I consistently get a response within one or two hours! This is pretty incredible, considering that many times it is the in the wee hours of the morning in the Western Hemisphere when my support ticket goes out. [I’m in Asia, where my daytime is the West’s nighttime].

When it takes more than a day for a company to get back to me
, I start marking them down in my mind.

The Magnum Group has instituted a policy to respond to all customer e-mail within 24 hours. Judging from the number of “thank you for your prompt reply” e-mails we get from our customers, this is undoubtedly a very good decision!

Want to try it out ? Just go to our homepage, write a message in the message box and click the submit button. You will hear from us, right as rain!

Have a great day,

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